Advanced Technology / Vision

Our technology provides solutions for the challenges of higher energy costs, as potential consequence of new regulations, which impact our way and cost of living. Our technology provides solutions through new and innovative methods of natural gas transmissions and vapor recovery and delivery into established pipelines. These technologies save money, create jobs, earn income through increased revenue and taxable product, and reduces outsourcing.


Our products are in compliance with new EPA actual and proposed guidelines for eco-protection and employee safety.


Our access to multiple key producers allow our company to provide the most competitive pricing on pumps, parts, and production. We have a pump for every application (excludes rod pumps).


Our technology is energy-renewable, reducing pollutants released into the environment with production. We promote clean air with our VRUs, decrease gas consumption with our pump jack engines, and increase oil production with our downhole jet productions.


FOur technologies, when used within our recommended guidelines, help reduce the risk of injury to all three categories of impact.

Sustainability / Capital Investment

Many of our designs and products are designed for longevity, low cost maintenance, and low economic and ecologic impact.